Focal Epilepsy

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of BHV-7000 in Patients With Focal Onset Epilepsy (Rise)

Study Medication

BHV-7000 is a drug that we believe could be a promising treatment for epilepsy. It works on a part of the nerve cells in the brain called potassium channels. These channels help balance the electrical activity in the brain and by activating them can stabilize overactive brain activity responsible for seizures. BHV-7000 is different from other similar drugs in that it focuses on the potassium channel and avoids a different channel called GABAA and because of this it may be better tolerated.

Early research has shown BHV-7000 to be successful in treating seizures in different models of epilepsy. Our most recent research in healthy volunteers so far has found BHV-7000 to be safe and well-tolerated, not causing some of the typical nervous system adverse effects like sleepiness seen with many other antiseizure medications.

Administration of the Study Medication

BHV-7000, or placebo, will be administered once a day via tablet  during clinic visits or at the home.

After the Baseline visit, patients will return to the clinic intermittently, preferably in the morning for regular safety monitoring.